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What to Expect


Worship through Preaching

At Bread of Life Church we believe that the preaching of God's Word, the Bible, shapes everything else we do as a church. Therefore, we unashamedly preach the Word. Grace Bible is committed to the expositional preaching of God's Word, which means that we teach through the various books of the Bible in a verse by verse fashion as well to topical preaching. Our great desire is to understand the Word of God, so that we will know God rightly and live for His glory


Worship through Song

At Bread of Life Church we prioritize the singing of theologically rich songs that are distinctly focused on the person and work of Christ. With that priority comes our commitment to congregational singing. We love to hear believers sing out to Jesus together, and so the majority of our worship in song is focused on the congregation worshipping with their voices.


Worship through Giving

Like many churches, the financial support of Bread of Life Church is provided through the offerings given by those who regularly attend. These offerings are given either by placing a gift in the offering slot on the back wall or through the website "Give" tab. Guests attending should not feel obligated to participate in financial support of the church.

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